
Model European Parliament Slovakia 2023

Vstupenky na Model European Parliament Slovakia 2023.

Model European Parliament Slovakia 2023 is a three-day-long conference giving high school students the opportunity to discuss important issues faced by the EU, and practice public speaking skills. This year's session will take place from March 31st until April 2nd in Bratislava.

Registration Fee

We'd like to note that registering binds you to pay the registration fee which is 40€ and includes food and drinks throughout the whole conference, as well as print and promo materials. In case you will not be able to attend the event in the end, you will have to find a delegate to replace you - we will not be refunding the paid fees.


Delegates will be accommodated in a hostel in Bratislava. It will host all accommodated delegates and is easily accessible by public transport from the committee sessions venue and the main train station. Delegates who wish to be accommodated will need to choose the "Participation + Accommodation for 3 Nights” ticket (price includes 3 nights for 55 euros). Please note that while the committee sessions start on Saturday morning, there will be an opening ceremony and a workshop for inexperienced delegates on Friday afternoon/evening. The conference ends on Monday, with the last possible accommodation being on Sunday-Monday night.

Please pay the registration fee using this website and then fill out the registration form: https://forms.gle/eJjREqWCrXGJDfma8

In case of any issue with the committee or country we have assigned to you or any other problem regarding the registration process, please reach out to us at registration@mepslovakia.eu.

Model European Parliament Slovakia 2023

Právnická fakulta UK, Bratislava

Šafárikovo námestie 6, 811 02 Bratislava-Staré Mesto, Slovensko

Organizátor podujatia

V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok ohľadom podujatia - vstupeniek, organizácie, lokality, prosíme kontaktujte organizátora podujatia.

Model European Parliament Slovakia
Guothova 2/E, 83101 Bratislava, Slovensko

IČO: 52484891